Thursday, 9 July 2020

Elton John coin, LGBT crossings, gender assigned at birth. It feels cultish so beware the backlash

Some great songs, but a man who wears silly glasses and is well known for past addictions to cocaine, alcohol, promiscuity and temper tantrums isn’t perhaps the role-model you would expect to find on a British coin.

Moreover Cliff Richards has sold more records than Elton John (21 million to 13 million), and after a brief youthful phase of indulgence has been celibate and sober and Christian for as long as most of us can remember. 

But there’s no talk of a Cliff Richards coin.

Why Elton and not Cliff? Maybe Elton John is the greater artist; or maybe it is also because he is a gay icon and that means a lot in the corridors of power these days. 

Whatever the reasons, and however valid, it still means that whenever we use one of these coins we will have to look at someone who had done more than most to overturn what marriage has meant. 

The Royal Mint wants us to look at Elton John; and the Surrey County Council wants its hard working tax payers to have rainbow crossings with the subtle, Look Both Ways' at either end. It feels like the powers that be want to give out a message. 

The decision of the Surrey County Council is worrying. The council's job is to give us decent roads and pavements, and they are in a disgraceful state. Most of the important painted signs on our roads are totally faded. Some of our pavements are a miserable mosaic of cracks and fissures. Ask your councillor why our roads and pavements are not being maintained and they will tell you there is no money. And yet, out of the hat, suddenly the Surrey Country Council have the money to promise us a many coloured crossing with the oh so subtle instructions, 'Look Both Ways' on either side. More colours, more money, and yet there is no money to even keep the white signs looking good. This means there is some sort of evangelical fervour at work in the council that shrilly demands that the good people of Surrey must have the views of a minority rammed down their eyes, even though that is not their job. 

And worse - there are millions of people who have not signed up to the LGBT creed, have no plans to do so, and do not buy into the wholly unproven idea that human sexuality is fluid. Why should they be screamed at by the public servants to believe something they don't want to. When people start insisting on scratching their symbols on everything, that's when you feel something cult-like is at work. 

The Royal Mint, Surrey Country Council - and the NHS. Last week I was sent an NHS notice about the level of vulnerability of different groups to Covid 19. I was grieved when it came to the usually ordinary question of gender. 

It should have read: ‘Male or female’.

It didn’t.

It read: ‘Gender assigned at birth’.

This was absolutely cultish. For a cult brazenly shoves its lies into your face, daring you to react. This is total deceit. Nobody is assigned a gender. Everyone is born with a gender. If you want to talk about who does the assigning, talk about God or nature, but don’t drag in the crass idea that the parents or the doctors did any assigning. Sunk sickly into this deceit is the idea that if something is assigned, it can be changed. It can’t. Yes superficial and damaging physical changes can happen, but you are either XX or XY. That’s it. Nobody assigns it, nobody can change it.

An Elton John coin; gay propaganda crossings; ‘Gender assigned at birth’. It feels like a cult is at work (of course there is no organised one), and one wonders if it will ever end. No doubt activists have another campaign waiting in the wings - polygamy, bringing down the age of consent. 

But one day it will have to end, because the idea of sexual fluidity, of there being no male or female, is vacuous. Like eugenics that was all the rage a hundred years ago, there is no serious scientific proof for any of the LGBT creed. 

So, either there will be an implosion, or there will be an angry backlash from people fed up of being told how to think about something that is very personal, and from those wounded by the LGBT morality, like the children who would have liked to have had a female mummy and a male daddy, but were denied them. They might well feel they were experiments. And they will be angry.  

Implosion or backlash, that's the fate of all cults. They can't last because they are not anchored in reality. 

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