Wednesday, 16 August 2017

The LGBT movement with its ally the BBC wants to crush Christianity; pity pagan society, not the church

The LGBT movement and true Christianity cannot co-exist.

For the LGBT faith stands wholly opposed to the Christian faith.

The Christian faith declares that homosexuality is sinful and will incur the wrath of God; the LGBT faith declares the opposite: homosexuality is not sinful and will not incur the wrath of God.

The Christian faith declares that God created mankind, ‘male and female’; the LGBT faith declares that gender is determined by however the individual feels and thinks.

The Christian faith declares that marriage is between one man and one woman; the LGBT faith declares that marriage can be between a man and a man, or a woman and a woman.

The Christian faith, led by Jesus Christ, says that man needs to repent, be humble; the LGBT faith says man needs to be proud of who he or she is; hence the Pride marches.

Such contradictory views of man’s nature cannot remain in the same public space; one has to make room for the other.

The last ten years has seen a massive advance for the LGBT faith: same sex marriage; adoption rights for gay couples; the right to identify as trans-gender. In both the USA and the UK tax-payer’s money has been spent celebrating the LGBT faith.

With such success it’s not surprising to see a new willingness by the LGBT campaigners to now directly attack the church.

In the UK this attack became very noticeable during the general election. First the Liberal leader Tim Farron was so hounded by the pro gay media and establishment over his Christian views that eventually he had to resign; then when Theresa May entered a pact with the Ulster Unionists, this party were presented by most of the media as if they were active members of the Klu Klux Klan. There was shock and dismay that anyone could still think that the murder of the unborn child was wrong; or that sodomy  was a misuse of human sexuality. In one interview, Peter Tatchell, a high priest for the LGBT faith, bluntly called anyone who did not approve of homosexuality and abortion – i.e. all traditional Christians – as ‘nasty people’.

The implication is clear: 'nasty people' need to be driven out of the public space.

Thatchell surely has the BBC on his side. Indeed there has been talk of a gay mafia in the organisation, determined to force its views on the rest of the country. So the BBC has a constant stream of pro gay, and therefore anti Christian stories. One of the most recent was from Sherie Ryder. She has written a story about a waitress in Rockford Illinois who was not tipped because she had tattooed herself with ‘rainbow equality bars’. The customer wrote on the bill, ‘Can’t tip someone who doesn’t love Jesus! Bad tattoo.’ For the record, unless you are given the most appalling service, I think you should tip, especially if you are a Christian. So I don’t agree with the customer.

But I disagree much more with Ms Ryder and the BBC editor who decided this story was worthy of our licence fee.

The whole article had one aim: to shame anyone who opposes the LGBT agenda, especially Christians. The customer was a Christian and for all the reasons stated above sees the gay movement as wrong. This was his protest. Ms Ryder and her editor simply treat this as horrific prejudice. There is no attempt to bring any balance to the story.

And worse, Ms Ryder manipulates the story. She tries to imply that the customer is against the waitress because she is gay. But that’s not what the customer said. He said he didn’t like the tatoo, which is promoting homosexuality, so being a part of a movement seeking to drive Christianity from the public space. As said, I would have tipped, but just as a capitalist would be wary to tip a communist activist, so too it is not difficult to understand why a Christian would feel wary about tipping a gay activist.

The failure of the BBC here is that it does not even consider the reason why anyone might be wary of the gay agenda. It was all attack and self-righteous sneering from beginning to the end. 

Attack though is to be expected. And there will be a lot more in the future, so much so that unless there is a great Christian revival, the church, the ‘nasty people’, should expect to be hounded out of the public square.

Pity society, not the church. The church always thrives with persecution. Christians have nothing to fear.

But pity pagan society. Removing God from the scene, fleshly pleasure is now centre stage, and history tells us exactly what will happen: implosion. The lustful sex obsessed centre will not hold, things will fall apart, so pity the pagans, and especially their children.

And when normality eventually returns guess who will be putting together the lives shattered by rejecting God and embracing an obsession with sexuality: the church. 

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