Monday, 31 July 2017

If you live in the Home Counties use and forget France.

We live in Farncombe, a few miles south of Guildford. Our actual street would not win any awards; but we are surrounded by the most delicious country side. It is eye watering, just as stunning as anything anywhere in Europe.

You see the sloping green fields, often with sheep, edged with oaks, beeches, and silver birches and think it is no wonder that the opening line of our country’s best loved hymn starts with ‘And did those feet in ancient times walk upon Englands mountains green/And was the Holy Lamb of God on England’s pleasant pastures seen?’

This though is a blog of thanks.

I can’t remember who; I can’t remember when, but someone told us about the website A huge thanks to those who have created this web-site. Here you can find truly wonderful walks for the Home Counties, and especially the South East of England.

There are at least two things to note about these walks. First of all the authors take you on routes which would be extremely difficult to discover for yourself. They literally open up the country-side for you. And secondly the directions are utterly trustworthy. Just follow them carefully, and you will have a great walk, whether it be for two, five or nine miles.

And here’s a holiday thought for people who live in the Home Counties and who don’t have young children. Instead of all the palaver of getting to France, driving for hours  till you find your expensive house, and then spending even more time working out where to walk, wouldn’t it be more relaxing just to get up in the morning, put some tea and goodies in a rucksack and head out to do one of these fancy free walks?

You won’t be disappointed.

Anyway, a huge thanks to the creators and writers of fancy free walks. 

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