To look at the BBC news website is to look at propaganda
for LGBT ism.
Just like Pravda ceaselessly told the citizens of the
Soviet Union that the West was doomed; just like Der Sturmer drummed its
anti-Semitism into the Germans, so now the BBC – oh, so politely – is dripping
into our minds the crass idea that homosexuality is progressive and so its
opposite, traditional marriage, is backward.
Hardly a day goes by without there being a story on the BBC
promoting the glories of LGBT ism.
Here is what’s been on offer just in the last few days (19/2/2020 - 24/2/2020)
It is nearly two major pro LGBT stories every day
February 19th:
Story about two LGBT teachers who resigned from a Catholic school
which caused a protest. Gays and Catholics…what’s new?
A programme on how much we know about LGBT history.
February 20th:
The teachers (again).
A podcast about LGBT ism in sport.
February 21st:
A story about the Arnos Vale cemetery apparently revealing
LGBT stories. It didn’t say much, but for the propagandist the title does the
‘I hated my homophobic stepdad, then he came out’ That’s the
story, and it is promoting a film. Search me why this should be of national
February 23rd
A programme about LGBT and Catholics.
February 24th
A programme about how gay men feel about watching football.
A story entirely supportive of a drag queen visiting a primary
school in Paisley.
Before someone starts saying, well, LGBT ism is a very
important issue and it’s quite right for the BBC to give it such prominence,
let’s pin down two facts.
a. In the last census only 2% of the UK’s population were
recorded as homosexual. That doesn’t mean only 2% are interested in the matter,
but this is not a major group. The BBC is a national broadcaster, its job is to
serve the mainstream.
b. Nearly 60% of the UK’s population is Christian, and 4%
are Muslim. Most Christians and Muslims believe in traditional morality. They
believe that babies are born male or female (unlike Dawn Butler, surely a LGBT
flat earther); and that a man and woman fall in love, marry, and have children.
They do not believe in the LGBT creed that sexuality is fluid, it does not
matter who you have sex with, and the overarching idea in LGBT ism that sex defines
who you are. There are of course a few Christians and Muslims who align themselves
with LGBT ism, and, don’t worry, the BBC will have a story about them. The point
is as a national broadcaster, the BBC should be serving the 64%, not the 2%.
So what is happening here?
It’s obvious and it borders on the criminal.
A cultish clique has got hold of the editorial policy of the
BBC and they are determined to push the LGBT message into the face of its
readers and viewers. There is to be no escape. Ironically it was Andrew Marr,
the BBC’s former political correspondent, who first blew the whistle on what
most of us knew. He said there was a disproportionate number of gay people working
for the BBC and they were neither fair nor impartial. He is right. In 2017 over
11 per cent of the BBC bosses were gay, and over 10 per cent of the staff. It’s
not a small clique and it is massively disproportionate when the total number
of homosexuals in the UK is about 2%.
And this borders on the criminal because the BBC is forcing
money out of the pockets of millions of Christians and Muslims and using their
money to push a creed that is deeply offensive to them and will – as sure as
night follows day – be deeply harmful to the country.
Ah, but aren’t they impartial?
I challenge you to send me a BBC article that is seriously critical
of LGBT ism, or a story reporting on someone turning their back on LGBT ism to
live a normal life. There is nothing.
The BBC is anti-traditional morality and it is time decent
ordinary people said enough is enough and stopped paying their licence fee.
Hopefully this threat will be enough for some wise and brave people
at this once great organisation to clear out the stables and let the BBC get on
with its mission as a national broadcaster, not a propagandist for LGBT ism.
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