Monday, 9 December 2019

If the Tories are responsible for the abolition of marriage, ugly populism, and the Brexit mess – how can Jeremy Hunt be the best choice for S.W Surrey?

Jeremy Hunt and his friends have let two monsters out of the cage: an extreme gay agenda and populism.

Rather than be a true conservative and stand up for traditional marriage, Hunt voted to let in the LGBT plus agenda, an agenda determined to tear up all the normal rules about the precious gift of human sexuality.

Now, thanks to Hunt, everyone has to sign up to this anti child, anti Christian, anti Muslim Orwellian agenda or face the wrath of our new pink state. The grim results are easy to see: foster parents struck off the list because they refuse to support LGBTism; doctors sacked if they refuse to call a bearded man a woman as that is how he ‘feels’; teenage girls having intrusive surgery in the name of gender dysphoria; Muslim parents protesting outside a primary school which wants to teach children about sodomy.

Clockwork Orange has come to austerity Britain and Hunt is one of the architects.

How does that make him the best choice for S. W. Surrey?

And he has let the poison of populism into our political system. When faced with the question of our membership of the EU Hunt’s duty was to use his authority as a cabinet minister and decide in the national interest. He reneged on this duty and agreed to a referendum. Here was the surgeon paid to do heart surgery, asking the patients and hospital staff to vote on what method he should use: cowardly and dangerous. 

Now with the referendum poison in the system for three years, we have this quasi fascist talk of 'The will of the people'. 'Enemies of the people', 'Trust of the people.' Our head of state is the monarch who appoints a government than can enjoy the support of parliament. That is our system. It's been one of the best the world has ever seen. Now there is a monster in the streets claiming a stronger voice than either the crown or parliament: the people. The lesson of history is the people usually becomes the mob, and usually they become violent. 

The story is not over. When it does finally come to an end, the historians will point to an inner circle of Tories who took the decision to risk our parliamentary democracy to salvage their party’s unity. Hunt was a part of that inner circle.

These are just two monsters that Hunt is responsible for. They are both doing untold damage to our country: one is tearing apart the normal understanding of family; the other our parliamentary democracy.

As well as these evils, under Hunt the gap between the rich and poor has sharply increased. The food-bank in Guildford has been busy; and so have the builders working on extending the mansions in Godalming and Charterhouse. Here in Surrey a whole generation, who grew up here, face little chance of being able to live here. Hunt has been a part of the government that has allowed that to happen.

As for our public services – life is dangerous. I am a Street Angel. We work from 10.30 p.m to 4.00 a.m looking after the clubbers in Guildford. You can read the reports. Often there is no police officer to watch the CCTV cameras. Ambulances do not appear in minutes when phoned if there is a serious injury. They can take hours. After one fight, the police had to take the victim to the hospital.

This is because of cuts that have happened on Hunt’s watch.

Life is even dangerous on our pavements. Many of them are a disgrace. Unloved and uncared for by Tory councils for years, now they are a hazard for the old and disabled.

How can Jeremy Hunt be our best choice when he cannot even make sure we have reasonable pavements?

I find it impossible to believe he is the best choice for S. W. Surrey.

We need an M.P who will stand up for family values.

An M.P who will govern in the national interest respecting our parliamentary democracy.

An M.P who will fight so S.W. Surrey has proper public services.

An M.P who has a zeal to shorten the apartheid like chasm between the rich and poor.

Let’s hope that either Tim Corry or Paul Follows has these simple but important beliefs.

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